Friday, 31 October 2014

Three Tips to Managing Business Growth

When overlooking multiple tasks and figuring out how you will simultaneously complete them all, we often let a few things stand in our way of success.

If you’ve ever hit a road-block in your work load I encourage you to consider the following steps to get back on the path of success!

Ask for Help
Sure, everyone loves an awesome, independent worker. But more often than not people either don’t ask for help when it’s needed, or wait until it’s too late.

Why not make it a best practice to avoid this?

Even if you feel like your question isn’t a good one, you’ll feel more confident in your projects outcome when you ask. It only makes sense right? You’ve made a commitment to a task, therefore it’s also your responsibility to ask questions when you identify an issue or you need a quick answer. I feel like I’m asking all sorts of crazy questions sometimes! But I also know that the team and I bring real problems to the table that need help and collaboration to solve.

You also want to ask your questions as early into your project as possible. This avoids backtracking, duplicating efforts, or starting over rather than making minor adjustments. Most importantly, recognize that asking for help only assists in developing you and your professional maturity, rather than showing any signs of weakness.

Learn to Deal with Difficult People
We naturally separate ourselves from personalities we aren’t compatible with, difficult people, and disagreement. Believe it or not, disagreement can be good for your business. It’s healthier conversation when you and others are identifying more issues that someone else may not have thought of; they are only viewing the issue from a different lens.  

You can’t control who your next client will be. There is no avoiding communicating with the client, and you certainly can’t hide from problems that arise. My advice is to tackle it straight on; get your questions and their questions both on the table so you can find common ground and identify what really needs to be done. Take the necessary actions to correct the situation.

Frequent communication with your client can go a long way; it boosts their confidence in what you and your team are helping them accomplish. Just because there is disagreement, doesn’t necessary mean they are a difficult person. We all understand ideas, concepts, or the way something is done a little differently. With the right attitude, dealing with someone you deem to be difficult will only enhance the feeling of accomplishment when a project comes to an end!

Don’t Fear Failure
You may try multiple approaches before you get one strategy to stick. It might feel like failing but when you find the right solution, you must realize you wouldn’t have gotten there without the bumpy road. This may seem like more of an obvious life lesson, but it truly is something to take into consideration on each project you work on. It takes courage and builds character for you and your business to overcome obstacles when you don’t succeed the first time around.

To take this to the next level, when you are networking challenge yourself to explore how others have overcome failure as well. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn from others and be pro-active about a mistake you may make in the future.

At the end of the day, you will be remembered for how you overcome solutions, not the problem itself.

When you begin a new project, remind yourself of these tips to quickly overcome issues and kick start you and your team’s mentality to accomplish another successful project. Getting ahead of these issues can only lead to a successful business or agency that produces great work.

Remember to ask for help, focus on what you can control, and don’t let a difficult person stand in the way of accomplishment. The only real failures are not learning from the first ones!

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  • 3KITS is a leading Website Design and Development company in Hyderabad. Our company provides all services related to Web Design, Web Development, Software Development and SEO. 3KITS has the team of experienced Website Designers and Website developers in Hyderabad, India.
  • Thursday, 30 October 2014

    Google+ Communities: Good for Users, Marketers, and Google

    If Google could be personified as a politician, it’d be a really good one. Always looking to redefine long-held paradigms, the tech powerhouse may have just created the first win-win-win situation in recent memory with its new Communities feature on Google+. With design and functionality representing a kooky hybrid between Facebook and LinkedIn groups and Pinterest boards, Communities is good for users, marketers, and of course, Google.
    Let me explain.

    “Gather Together.” No, I'm not about to launch into prayer. This is one of the title captions on the Google+ Communities learning page. It is followed by these words:
    Whether it’s for your family, your book club or people around the world who share your interests, communities give each of your different groups a home base.
    Pinterest-esque nuances aside, with the ability to post photos, videos, and even collaborate in real time with live Hangouts, Communities offers up a pretty cool user experience. One of my colleagues recently joined a craft beer group and was pretty amazed with the real time information pouring in from all corners of the globe (bad pun, sorry for that). He was quickly sold.
    Perhaps Communities will be the magic bullet Google has needed to meaningfully expand Google+’s user base. Regardless of success or failure, you have to admire the tech giant's relentless commitment to convert the world to its social search platform.

    “Have Rich Conversations.” Another caption from the Communities learning page, it pithily sums up the goal of any self-respecting marketer. The multi-media functionality of Communities gives marketers a number of ways to engage with target their audience on a more personal level. Businesses can start new groups on Communities, building them up by interacting with interested parties. Brands can share multi-media content such as photos and videos and engage with others in real time on Hangouts; the possibilities are rife.
    In this way, Google+ Communities is a useful tool for integrated digital marketing.

    “Explore Your Interests.” This final caption on the Communities learning page is the most relevant for Google. The copy below the caption implores users to “share news, ideas, and passions with just the right people, or meet some new ones by joining public communities.”
    A search engine with a knack for selling targeted advertising, Google loves two things: data, and data. The gang at Mountain View is always looking for new ways to collect more user data to sate the voracious appetites of its AI context-based search engine and its advertisers.

    Google+ Communities represents a boon to users, marketers, and Google alike. Users can explore their interests with others on a really cool integrated social platform; marketers and businesses can try and form connections that matter with those who find value their brands; and Google can do what it does best: play the role of online impresario running the whole thing (for a small price).

    Sounds like a win-win-win to me.

    Looking to build a Website for your company?
    Call +91-40-65891579 / +91-9030416219
    Google + -

  • 3KITS is a leading Website Design and Development company in Hyderabad. Our company provides all services related to Web Design, Web Development, Software Development and SEO. 3KITS has the team of experienced Website Designers and Website developers in Hyderabad, India.
  • Wednesday, 29 October 2014

    Google Webmaster Guidelines Updated To Warn About Blocking CSS & JavaScript Files

    Blocking GoogleBot from JavaScript or CSS can harm your visibility in Google's search results.

    Google announced they’ve updated their webmaster guidelines to specifically note that blocking your CSS or JavaScript files may have a negative impact on your indexing and search rankings in Google.
    Pierre Far, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst, said the “new guideline specifies that you should allow Googlebot access to the JavaScript, CSS, and image files that your pages use” all for “optimal rendering and indexing.” If not and you block Googlebot access to these files, Pierre added it “directly harms how well our [Google] algorithms render and index your content and can result in suboptimal rankings.”
    How can you be certain GoogleBot can render your web pages properly? Google created the fetch and render tool within Google Webmaster Tools four months back specifically for this reason. Google back then said you should make sure not to block these files because GoogleBot is trying to render your full HTML.
    What changed in the guidelines exactly?
    Use a text browser such as Lynx to examine your site, because most search engine spiders see your site much as Lynx would. If fancy features such as JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Flash keep you from seeing all of your site in a text browser, then search engine spiders may have trouble crawling your site.
    To help Google fully understand your site’s contents, allow all of your site’s assets, such as CSS and JavaScript files, to be crawled. The Google indexing system renders webpages using the HTML of a page as well as its assets such as images, CSS, and Javascript files. To see the page assets that Googlebot cannot crawl and to debug directives in your robots.txt file, use the Fetch as Google and the robots.txt Tester tools in Webmaster Tools.
    For more details on this update, see the Google blog.
    Looking to build a Website for your company?
    Call +91-40-65891579 / +91-9030416219
    Google +

  • 3KITS is a leading Website Design and Development company in Hyderabad. Our company provides all services related to Web Design, Web Development, Software Development and SEO. 3KITS has the team of experienced Website Designers and Website developers in Hyderabad, India.
  • Tuesday, 28 October 2014

    7 Psychological Traps that Hold Web Designers Back

    Let’s talk about self-confidence and psychological misconceptions that may hold web designers and web professionals back from getting ahead in their career.

    When it comes to daily routine tasks most of us are not that diligent and logical as we used to think (or want to think). Everybody knows what to do, but somehow we try to avoid following our own pretty plan. The good news is that most people are actually able to get themselves together and control the balance of work and rest. However, there are some creative beings who are just too creative for that – they feel depressed when they need to strongly manage their activity. You must admit that such feeling is pretty much one of the biggest traps for all of the beginnings.

    Whether you are subjected to psychological stress or not it’s always better to know the threats that can hurt you (even if you think they have nothing to do with you). So let’s go ahead and examine the most typical self-confidence failures and try to find the solutions that everybody can accept and apply.

    Trap #1. Mania to Meet Client’s Approval

    Sometimes people are so dependent on pleasing others that they stop thinking critically and ignore their own experience, knowledge and point of view.

    On the web there is a lot of examples of bad web designs that were probably made under pressure of clients who were too pushy about their vision of designs. Sometimes it’s really easier to accept the client’s vision of design and walk away than to explain him why this or that is a bad idea. But every time you say ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’, remember that this design becomes a part of your portfolio regardless of your wish.

    Rule of thumb: ask yourself whether you’d be ready to proudly show the result to potential partners. If the answer is no – try to convince the current client somehow.

    Moreover, clients will blame on you in case a new design doesn’t work well. They wouldn’t care that the idea was not yours – it’s still you who they will be angry at for wasted money. So again – you’d better try to convince clients of the effectiveness of your suggestions at the very beginning.

    Trap#2. Lack of Face-to-Face Communication

    Let’s face it and be honest with ourselves – when sitting at the computer for hours every day, designers and developers kind of lose touch with reality. They chat, send emails and instant messages, comment on Facebook and tweet news. They don’t have time for real communications that distracts from virtual reality. The lack of real life becomes your comfort zone.

    It’s easy to imagine a situation when 4 people are sitting in front of monitors in one room and discuss a problem in a group chat. It never occurs to them that actually talking to each other will solve the whole thing faster. All emotions are transformed into simple emoticons. This story is not a fiction or anything, I’ve heard it from many people I personally know (in emails and IMs of course).

    Rule of thumb: get out there and talk to people. For a start, just talk to them more often than you have been doing before! Communication is a skill that needs constant practice and disappears when you stay isolated from the real world. Don’t wait till relatives, partners and clients start stumbling over you – keep smiling and say hello to them!

    Trap #3. Avoiding Contacts with New People

    When you’re not self-confident enough it’s easy to start having second thoughts about your proficiency level, previous works quality and clients loyalty. It’s always easier to play it safe and only do stuff that you’ve done before. The same goes about reaching out to new people. Right? Not quite so!

    When you’re not able to initiate new contacts you lose many opportunities. IT professionals are inclined to work individually and the danger of locking up inside their shells is more than realistic.

    Rule of thumb: remember that you’re not alone and web design community will help you solve almost any problem as well as find inspirational ideas. There are many communities whose only aim is to have designers and developers communicate with each other, and these communities are real good at their job. You may start with StackOverflow, Behance, Dribble, Quora, GitHub, Freenode or whatever you like most.

    Trap#4. Concealing Your Thoughts from Others

    Not pleased with your salary? Ask for more!

    It sounds so easy, but the truth is most never try it. It’s almost too easy to be true. People, especially those whose work doesn’t imply rich communication, can’t ask for something. They are afraid of looking unprofessional, unprepared or just stupid. Moreover, it may not show their work at its best light and a client/partner will reject them with all the creative ideas.

    However, the skill of asking can improve your work dramatically. A project manager will never know that your computer needs updates for software until you tell him about it. Of course it can be rather uncomfortable to ask for something for yourself.

    Rule of thumb: try to think of it from another angle. That little personal improvement will help you be more effective – therefore you’ll design a better logo or code an app that’s more valuable for the company.

    Trap#5. Savoring Past Mistakes

    Feeling embarrassed about past failures and being afraid of them is a frequent trouble of creative personalities. Web designers are also likely to fall for that. They clearly remember their worst projects and clients who drove them crazy. It’s kind of fun to tell such nightmare stories to other developers and to observe their reactions.

    Rule of thumb: just relax and forget it, will you? All designers and developers had some negative experience in the past. But being able to get over those failures and move on is a real sign of professionals. Head over to, connect with other designers of different specialties and ask them about their mistakes. You’ll be surprised to see that there were a lot funny incidents and serious troubles, so you’re able to get through them too.

    Trap#6. Procrastination

    Everybody procrastinates… Sometimes.

    But there is this kind of people who start acting just before a deadline. A hard stress and a lack of time are strong motivational triggers for them. These circumstances artists and designers think they can conquer the world and inspire them for outstanding achievements.

    When you’re designing a website or an app you usually work in a team and other people depend on you. Thus a small delay from your side can entail serious failures of the whole project… Is procrastinating really worth it?

    Deadlines are quite strange things. They are good and bad at the same time. From one point of view strong deadlines help team members be more productive. On the other hand, a strong need to do something brings frustration to a lot of creative people. It’s really hard to stay inspired in a ‘do or die’ environment.

    Rule of thumb: Choose a time period you’re able to allow yourself to relax and then start working. This little trick may help a lot. Probably some of you will prefer having a random but short lunch breaks – that’s also great. The idea is to finish a project on time without a disproportionally large amount of efforts. As a result, you’ll complete a design faster and more efficiently.

    Trap #7. Being Too Shy

    Web designers and developers are rarely as sensitive as other people. Coders are too logical and designers are too inspired to ‘normally’ react on reality. Thus they may feel a bit shy about contacting other people, getting public peer reviews and negotiating.

    There are more and more talks about Shy Developer Syndrome that means professional developers are afraid of working in public places (office space is also a public place in a way). For them software environment is much better than joining actual environment of actual people. Generally coders have problems with communications because they didn’t learn it in tech colleges and had few chances to practice real-life interactions. Online world and work pace have become more real for them than everyday living.

    Rule of thumb: The most common solution for such people is to practice talking and writing in addition to coding. Preferably, you should start with writing because it doesn’t require constant interactions with others and you have more than enough time to think over the reply. This will change the way people think and help them feel more comfortable among clients and co-workers.

    Remember: You Create Awesome Stuff Out of Nothing

    Let’s not get carried away by all these self-confidence traps and mistakes. I’m pretty sure people will get over them sooner or later. It’s just a matter of whether you’re ready for that. And don’t forget about the most important thing – you create awesome stuff out of nothing. That alone is a lot more of an accomplishment than many people achieve in years. Don’t be afraid of anything and forget unnecessary doubts – go on and create!

    Article by - Ann Davlin, Design Psychology

    Looking to build a Website for your company? - Call +91-40-65891579 / +91-9030416219

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  • Monday, 27 October 2014

    10 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Web Design Company

    Who needs a web design company? Doing it yourself seems like a piece of cake. Download some software or use your web hosting company’s built in website making software. Spend a few hours and then *poof*, your website is done. Maybe not.

    The biggest problem in digital marketing today is that small business owners do not understand how important their website can be to their business. The look and functionality of your website can make or break you. While doing it yourself will certainly save you money upfront, within 1 year you will have lost more revenue and goodwill than it would have cost to hire a professional web design company…twice over. Today’s websites are nothing like those from 5 years ago. They serve as both a 24-hour marketing vehicle for your business and a tool to make your life easier. So what’s the big deal with having your site done professionally? Here are 10 reasons why going with a professional beats doing it yourself.

    1. A Positive First Impression

    The second somebody visits your website, they form an opinion of your business. This opinion is based entirely on the look of your site. Imagine that. Even if you provide the best service in the world or your products cure cancer, your website is the one doing the talking. What do you want it to say? When you go the extra mile to hire a professional web design company, they’ll notice the difference and your first impression will be significantly more positive.

    2. Compatibility With the Latest Mobile Technologies

    If you are not a freelancer or working for a web design company, you probably have little knowledge of new and upcoming technology standards for mobile websites. This can cost you big. For example, we know mobile is growing every month, but what solutions might you use to make your website mobile compatible? If you weren’t aware of responsive web design, you might instead pay a monthly fee to have a company create and maintain a mobile version of your website. A professional web design company would educate you on responsive design and build your site using the technology, saving you hundreds of dollars. Additionally, as newer mobile devices come out, is your self-made website able to adapt? Nobody knows, but with a professional your site will likely be far more future proof as new ways to browse the web emerge.

    3. Beautiful High-DPI Retina Optimized Images

    Wondering why your website’s images look fuzzy on your new iPhone or high-def tablet? It’s because these new high-resolution devices support high-dpi images – images with twice as much detail than before. You’ve heard the term “retina” used in Apple marketing and retina-compatible images are what we are talking about here when we say high-dpi. For the average Joe, even with a “retina-compatible” theme high-dpi images require a bit of trial and error. If you aren’t using WordPress, the process is even harder without ready-made plugins to start off with. But when a professional web design company is involved, you can rest assured your images will look razor-sharp on all of the latest mobile devices – iPads, iPhones, the Nexus 7 and more.

    4. A Reliable Website

    You designed your site yourself. It went live a month ago. But all of a sudden you get an error message when you try to change anything. These types of issues happen all the time, even with reliable systems like WordPress, when the site isn’t developed by a professional. If you’re on your own, what do you do? You might spend hours on Google trying to find a solution, eventually giving up and contacting a web design company in hopes of a fix. After spending hundreds for an emergency service call, you’re left with a working site – but one that could go down again at any moment. Is it work the risk?

    5. Better Designs

    When you use your web hosting company’s built-in website maker, you are using a pre-made template. Templates have two big flaws: They tend to be basic designs and everybody can use the same one you did. The result is a boring website. Who needs Ambien when they can just visit your website? That’s no good. We want customers to get excited when they visit your site, and when you hire a web design company with skills, expect an original, clean design built with your goals in mind. There is just no comparison. And if you don’t think design matters – in some cases it’s all that matters. Look at renowned companies like Apple, Dyson, and BMW. Each made the design of their products, not the performance, the focal point. The results of those efforts speak for themselves: They command a premium price, incredible word of mouth, and a very powerful branding. It’s no different on the local level.

    6. A Faster Website

    Most websites do not perform optimally as is. A web design company with experience is going to know the various plugins and 3rd party tools to integrate into your website to provide speed and security. Make no mistake, these are significant upgrades. The tools are a necessity for most WordPress sites and even more important for sites outside of WordPress where security may not be as strong. A popular testing tool for your website is GT-Metrix, which will rate the quality of your website’s coding. How your site is coded has a significant impact on performance. A score above 85 on both test is considered good and a score above 95 is considered a flawless site. The other advantage a reputable web design company can offer is recommendations on hosting. The hosting service you choose also plays a part in site performance. A great tool for testing site loading speed is Pingdom. Here’s what a test result looks like:

    7. More Likely to Show on Google

    When you design a website on your own, SEO is probably the last of your concerns. But without SEO, your website in most cases will never appear on the first pages of Google, if at all. Which means, of course that nobody will find you through search. With SEO, a web design company will code your site in a way that communicate the specifics of your pages to Google, Bing, and other search engines. The result is that when someone searches for a product or service you offer, you are far more likely to show up in the search results. Traffic from search engines costs nothing so this is a highly desirable feature. Be wary of any web designer that asks for hundreds of dollars extra to optimize your site for search engines.

    8. It Will Save You Time

    Web Design is about more than laying out a nice design. These days web sites support incredible functionality that can save you time and increase your revenue – automatically. Say you own a salon or car repair shop. Online appointment booking provides both a convenience to your customers and saves you from having to book the appointment by phone. Follow-up thank you emails can be sent automatically and add a friendly touch to your service. There are literally thousands of possibilities to automate parts of your business using your website. You’ll improve customers service, increase repeat business, and most importantly save time.

    9. It Will Make You Money

    In addition to automated technology to save you time and improve service, other capabilities allow you to increase revenue with minimal effort. Remember that online appointment booking we were just talking about? What if we allowed clients to check boxes for additional add-on services right in the online appointment booking process? We’ve just created a way to increase revenue without any effort on your part (other than providing the service itself). And that car repair shop? Offer add-on features like an oil change, wiper replacement, car wash, etc. The possibilities are endless. This is how your website can truly work for you.

    10. It’s More Affordable Than You Think…

    Don’t look at your website as a cost. It’s an investment that can make you a lot of money when done right. But the investment probably isn’t as costly as you think. These days, CMS systems and plugins have brought the cost of hiring a professional web design company way down, but the ROI has been ever increasing as these sites provide more amazing capabilities.

    Final Words on Hiring a Web Design Company

    I recommend you look at web design the same way you might look at other tasks best done by a professional. Doing your taxes. Installing a garage door. Paving your driveway. All of these things could technically be done by anyone, but most folks hire a professional, and for good reason: professionals have the proper tools, training, and experience to do the job correctly, on-time, and at a fair price. Nobody is saying you can’t do your own taxes. But using an accountant, just like using a professional web design company, is an investment: you are spending money upfront to make/save money in the long run.

    Looking to build a Website for your company? - Call +91-40-65891579 / +91-9030416219

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    Sunday, 26 October 2014

    9 Dos and 10 Don’t of Web Design

    I’m continually surprised by how many people start meetings with our design company with very firm ideas about what they want on their website and yet,  haven’t thought through some of the most basic questions first. For this reason, our first question is always “Why do you need a site?,” not “What do you want on it?” Your website is a marketing tool. For many businesses, it’s their only source of business. If done right, it can be a major part of yours.
    Here’s a quick-hit list of the top dos and don’ts before you get started:
    1. Set smart goals. And make sure they’re measurable. Here are a few great ones a Web designer wants to hear: increase conversion rates, increase sales, generate more leads, reduce overhead, and improve brand awareness.
    2. Plan on becoming an SEO wizard. Sure, you’re going to want help from the pros and eventually you might even need your own in-house SEO expert, but search engine optimization is something you need to know about too. It has one of the highest ROIs in marketing.  SEO can literally put your marketing on autopilot, allowing you to focus on improving the quality of your business, instead of figuring out how to bring in customers to your site. 
    3. Use CMS. A CMS makes it easier for people to create, edit and publish content on a website. Website publishing has required significant technical skills (HTML, programming). A good CMS allows non-technical authors and editors to easily and quickly publish their content with relative ease.
    4. Think about your mobile strategy simultaneously. Research the percentage of your visitors that are likely to use mobile devices to access your site. If it’s high, you may want to consider building a separate mobile version of your site, or even an app. If it’s relatively low, just make sure your website works on smart phone.
    5. Steal from your competitors. Before you build your site, check out your competitors and write down the things they do well. If you like the look and feel of another site, there’s no reason not to start with something you like and then make it your own.
    6. Develop your content. The biggest slow-down in the Web design process is content. If you’re going to sell products on your site, get product photos and product descriptions ready. If you sell services, you’ll need a description of each service. Get as much of your content together before you start building your site—it will save you weeks. And while you’re at it…
    7. Write with calls to action in mind. Good calls to action allow visitors to quickly decide what they want to do next. Having a big sale? Don’t just write a banner that says “50% off all products.” Write one that says “50% off all products, CLICK HERE to view them.”
    8. Always answer the question “why?” Have you ever walked up to someone you’ve never met, handed them a business card, and walked away without saying a word? Likely not. If you want people to do something on your website, such as sign up for your newsletter, don’t just put up a box that says “enter email” or even “sign up for newsletter”—you’ll get a very weak conversion rate. Tell them why they should do it: “Sign up for our newsletter to receive weekly specials.” Same thing goes for Twitter and Facebook logos. Just putting them up isn’t smart. Tell people why they should follow you on Twitter or friend you on Facebook. What will they get out of it?
    9. Trust your Web designer. I tend to see the worst end results with customers who come in with a “I know what I want, just do what I tell you” attitude. You hired an expert because they know more than you, right? Let them do what they do best and they’re more likely to meet and often exceed your goals.
    10. Don’t:
      1. I know—I run a Web design firm, so of course this was going to be stated. But seriously, your website is often where your customers’ first experience your brand. If it looks homemade, they’re going to make assumptions about your business that you probably want to avoid.
      2. Make people think. When visitors come to your website, they typically already know what they want out of it. Do a three-second test: If within three seconds a visitor can’t figure out what to do next, go back to the drawing board.
      3. Expect visitors. Lose the “if you build it, they will come” mentality. Simply putting up your site will not result in any visitors.
      4. Spend all your money. Don’t max out your entire budget on the website. You can get a well-designed site for under $2,000 from a freelancer, or a few thousand dollars from a professional agency. And you can always make improvements as your business grows. It’s far more important initially to have some money left over for a marketing budget so you can actually make a return on your investment.
      5. Add a blog. Are you really going to write posts? Be honest. If you won’t, then forget about a blog. A website with an outdated blog can create the perception that your company is small or even out of business.
      6. Add Twitter and Facebook buttons. If a potential client clicks through to your social pages and sees hardly any followers, they may lose trust in you. First build up your social presence, then commit to posting and engaging your fans on a regular basis, and only then promote them on your website. Also keep in mind that some businesses simply don’t belong on Twitter or Facebook.
      7. Try to please everyone. Your website will be a mess if you try to accommodate every type of visitor who might come along. Figure out who is likely to be your most frequent users and focus on creating the best experience for them.
      8. Add testimonials. Building credibility is important, but too often testimonials sound fake. “’They are great!’ says John Smith” simply isn’t believable. If you’re going to have testimonials make sure they are specific, and something people can relate to.
      9. Use Flash. Some sites still need it, but if you can, avoid it. Adobe just announced that it will no longer support Flash on mobile devices and set-top-boxes. The last thing you want is for a potential customer to be unable to open your site.
      10. Expect a killer website overnight. Good websites take time to build. If you want the best results out of your site, be prepared for several months of work.
      11. Looking to build a Website for your company? - Call +91-40-65891579 / +91-9030416219
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    Saturday, 25 October 2014

    The Psychology of Color in Web Design

    Web design needs to do several things at once. It must look good. It must make sure the navigation of the website is clear. It must hold an internet user’s attention for as long as possible. And it must gently lead the user down the conversion funnel, quietly urging the user to do whatever action the site owners have as the goal of the site.
    Because web design needs to have an influence over people’s behaviour, more and more designers have been looking to the psychology of color to help them create websites. They can play on cultural references to suggest trust, urgency or mystery to the target audience.
    Read on to find out which colors are associated with which feelings. Please note, cultural differences can also have a big impact on these details.


    Red is a stimulating, exciting color. It is associated with passion, power and sometimes anger. It can be used for warnings or to show danger, but it can also suggest strength, determination and boldness.
    Warmer reds, like brick or maroon, and strong and comforting – good for sites that want to suggest the lasting qualities of a brick wall. Brighter reds, like true red or tomato, are great for youthful websites that want to suggest energy and eagerness to leap before they look.


    Pink is associated very strongly with youthful femininity. It is playful and brings to mind bubble gum and innocence.
    It is ideal for websites that hearken back to olden days or that target a particularly feminine audience.


    Orange is a more balanced and less overwhelming colour than red. Vibrant, energetic, friendly and inviting, it is ideal for designs that need movement and energy.
    Websites that want to showcase their creativity often choose orange because it is unique and exciting, but it still has the comfort of a warm color.


    Yellow is often considered the most energising color. From the earliest ages, people learn to associate yellow with the sun, so it becomes associated with warmth and happiness. That makes bright yellow perfect for sites designed for children, as it grabs their attention.
    More subtle shades of yellow have more complex associations. Darker shades can suggest antiquity, suggesting yellowed parchment. Because of that, it can also be associated with wisdom and curiosity. It therefore is great for sites that want to demonstrate a sense of authority and intelligence.


    Green is strongly associated with plant leaves and subsequently has lots of positive associations. It can give users feelings of calm, rejuvenation, affluence and optimism.
    Darker shades are more linked to money, so sites that want to suggest affluence, growth and stability often use those shades. Lighter shades are more associated with spring and growth, so websites that want to reflect relaxation, freshness and honesty often use lighter shades.
    Green is also directly associated with the environmental movement, so sites that aim to broadcast ethical standards often use green.


    Blue calls to mind dependability, trustworthiness and security. It is also calming and has an element of spirituality about it.
    Most corporate and business websites use dark blues to call to mind their experience, success and reliability. Light blues are best for friendly, open websites, like social media sites.


    Purple has long been associated with nobility, so it is no surprise that dark shades of purple imply wealth and luxury. Lighter shades suggest fields of lavender and are associated with spring and romance.
    Websites that look mysterious yet elegant use dark purples. Those sites that opt for lighter shades will speak to people looking for romantic items or ideas.

    Black, White, and Gray

    Black, white and grey are usually background colors, allowing brighter colors to make the real impact. Still, they call to mind their own associations.
    Black suggests power, modernity and sophistication, while white suggests cleanliness, simplicity and innocence. These competing associations play off of each other as nicely as the colors themselves do, making black and white designs especially strong.
    Grey is a neutral color. When used well, it is associated with tradition, sombreness and calmness. When used badly, however, it can cause a design to lack energy.
    All of these colors are best for websites that want to call to mind tradition and seriousness, like news sites.


    Browns, which include creams and tans, are often used for textured backgrounds. Backgrounds that mimic paper, fabric or stone are usually brown, and as such, browns give a site a sense of wholesomeness and cosiness.
    Creams are calm, elegant and pure, making them a great background color for a website that wants to imply a sense of tradition. Tans are conservative and bring to mind piety. They can be dull, but they can also be reassuring, which makes them ideal for a site that doesn’t want to be too bold or outrageous. Dark brown feels wholesome and reliable, like a loaf of bread. It is associated with warmth and comfort. Sites that want to demonstrate experience and reassurance often use brown.


    Colors can create a very specific mood or impression on a website. If a site’s color gives the wrong impression, it can result in high bounce rates, as the site will suggest inexperience, unprofessionalism or even untrustworthiness. If the impression is the right one, it lets users know that the site is trustworthy and that it ‘gets’ its niche. Little wonder, then, that the psychology of color will remain a major concern for web designers.
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