Thursday, 16 October 2014


This is a term used to describe the unpaid or natural search results from the keywords you have entered into a search engine. In other words it is about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). The image below shows the search results in Google for "web designer", the listings highlighted in orange are the organic search results, where the blue are the paid search results or AdWords.
To achieve high organic search engine ranking your website will need to be designed with the right methodologies required by the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and NineMSN.
Therefore it is imperative that your website is designed correctly from the start and the SEO building blocks are already in place. If the website structure is correct and you can add or tweak your content & Meta tags to suit certain keyword search strings as they become apparent you should be able to improve your organic search engine rank.


  1. Well written content using relevant keywords placed strategically throughout your page is an important part to good organic ranking. "remember content is king"

    To write good content put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Does your content answer or give your customer the information they require, or at least entice them to contact you to find out more?
  2. Well written meta tags and text based URL’s 

    Meta tags are an important part of ranking well organically and may need to be updated or adjusted depending on the keywords that you would like to rank well on. Search engines change their search logarithms often which means you may need to adjust your meta tags to suit.

    Important meta tags: Browser title bar, summary/description, alias/text based URL’s.



Create reciprocal links with other websites. These can be directories or other businesses simular to yours that your customers may find useful. Remember content is king, so make sure the links are useful. Certain in-bound links are worth more to your website, for example: .edu, government and popular websites with high traffic that link to you will give your organic listing more of a boost.


Get involved in providing useful information about your industry on your website or industry forums and bulletin boards. Have a news section or forum on your website that is updated frequently. If you're using an external forum or blog don't forget to link back to your own website.


Create your own database of customers and encourage them to subscribe to your news letter. This will allow you to market yourself via a direct email marketing campaign with your captured market. It is a lot easier to sell to someone who has used your services or bought from you previously.
To rank well organically your website should allow all pages, products, categories and content to be updated dynamically including;


  • Browser Title bar
  • Summary or description
  • Text based URL's


  • Should be well written and provide useful information to the user
  • Regular updates with new and interesting content
  • Take advantage of social media sites, be able to share content
  • Release relevant news/articles on your website and update regularly
  • Introduce a blog to your website
  • Post regular articles on topics of interest in your industry about your products and services offered
  • Create dedicated pages for topics, products or services
  • Be able to add content when necessary internally
  • ALT tags where necessary (images)
  • Internal page links to relevant information on your website
These should be dynamic so they can be fine tuned over time. Search engine optimisation is not to be taken lightly and needs time and effort dedicated to improving your website ranking. Continually review your website and research your industry, ask your customers how they found you
And finally the competition is tougher than ever before. You will need to be patient for your keywords and content to rank well organically, they need time for search engines to index and evaluate your content especially if your website has been off the radar recently because of bad content or it has not had any updates for a while.
For More Info:
Web designing company in Hyderabad, Web design company in Hyderabad, Web designing companies in Hyderabad, Web design companies in Hyderabad, web designer in Hyderabad, website designers in Hyderabad

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