Thursday, 18 September 2014

How Important is Social Media to Your Website?

Social Media has become an integral part of any website. You have to provide a way for the people to share your content when they like it providing, you the website owner, with an opportunity to increase your website viewership. After all that is the aim of any website in the first place; to reach as many people as possible. You may have the most beautiful website on earth, but if it does not reach the people it is intended for, it isn’t really serving its intended purpose, right? Almost everyone today can be found on the social media in one way or the other. When they interact with your website, you need to provide them with an option to share and recommend your website to the rest of their friends. They may also need a way to save your website pages on the social bookmarking sites like Delicious so that they can reference it later on.

Sharing Increases Viewership

When content is shared by a user among his friends, followers, or fans; it immediately becomes interesting to them as they are likely to have similar likes or interests and they in turn are also likely to do the same. Also when content is shared by a friend it becomes more relevant as it has been shared by someone you know and trust. Sharing puts your website link in front of thousands and thousands of potential visitors and increases the chance of people visiting your site. Whether they visit and stay on your site depends a lot on what content you have on your website, of course. If the content is helpful and useful to the user, you will get more recommendations and more visitors to your site.

Creates Natural Backlinks

A natural outcome of all this sharing and viewing is that it creates natural backlinks to your site. When your content is shared on Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc, and people find your content interesting, they will naturally link to your website. Many will further share your content on their sites and provide you with credit links which not only send more visitors to your site but also creates more backlinks to your site. We are all aware of the benefits of incoming backlinks to your site. The linking is an indirect result of sharing of content in social media which in turn helps your site to do well in search rankings as well.

Social Media Directly Helps in SEO

The more your website is shared on Facebook and Twitter, the better it does in SEO and search rankings. Earlier SEO experts suspected it does play a role in rankings. However, it has now been confirmed both by Google and Bing that Tweets and Facebook shares affect SEO positively. Google search is increasingly showing more personalized content from Google+ to the user, which Google has termed as “Search Plus Your World.” This increasingly shows the influence Social Media is having on the search results.

Social Media Is Important

These are just a few points to show you how important social media is to your website. If you have kept your website away from it, then this definitely has been a mistake. You have to provide a way to let people engage and share your site with others. Let you users get involved. This is in the best interest of your website. You may have been doing very well in search rankings using traditional SEO only; however, if you are not using social media then your ranking may be affected severely with time, as there are clear indications that major search engines are now using social media as a signal to rank sites.
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