Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Tools, jQuery Plugins And Resources For Web Designers

Finding a cool new app or plugin is exciting, especially if you are able to share it with your friends and colleagues. Web designers and developers all over the world are providing the most up to date web tools and the latest are in this article.
Tasks that used to take a long time to complete can now be done in a matter of seconds. These tools and apps allow creative minds to make progress with new ideas. There are many apps that will help save time and money and these time saving resources are what developers and designers love.
In this article you will find a lot of these wanted tools, these great resources that improve our workflow and our work quality.
Even though some of these resources may seem similar to the ones that you are currently using, you have to keep in mind that newer jQuery plugins, for example, usually offer greater functionality and have a smaller size. When it comes to web technology, most of the times, newer is better.

Framer.js: A prototyping toolkit

Framer.js: A prototyping toolkit

Jeet: A grid system for humans

Jeet: A grid system for humans

Responsive tables

Responsive tables

shine.js: A library for pretty shadows

shine.js: A library for pretty shadows

Single Element CSS Spinners

Single Element CSS Spinners



Crumpet: A Deliciously Simple Framework

Crumpet: A Deliciously Simple Framework

Griddify: A Tiny Photoshop Panel to Make Guides and Grids

Griddify: A Tiny Photoshop Panel to Make Guides and Grids

Shepherd: Guide your users through a tour of your app

Shepherd: Guide your users through a tour of your app

Dimensions Toolkit

Dimensions Toolkit



Project Parfait

Project Parfait



Pop: Extensible iOS and OS X animation library

Pop: Extensible iOS and OS X animation library

Wholly: A jQuery plugin to highlight table rows and columns on hover

Wholly: A jQuery plugin to highlight table rows and columns on hover



At.js: a github-like autocomplete library

At.js: a github-like autocomplete library

Picturefill: A responsive image polyfill

Picturefill: A responsive image polyfill

Velositey: Prototype the design of your website in seconds in Photoshop

Velositey: Prototype the design of your website in seconds in Photoshop



Number Progress Bar

Number Progress Bar

Quill Rich Text Editor

Quill Rich Text Editor

Flickerplate: A cool jQuery plugin that lets you flick through content

Flickerplate: A cool jQuery plugin that lets you flick through content

Responsive & Fixed One Page Nav

Responsive & Fixed One Page Nav



Application Shortcut Mapper

Application Shortcut Mapper

perfect-scrollbar: Tiny but perfect jQuery scrollbar plugin

perfect-scrollbar: Tiny but perfect jQuery scrollbar plugin

taggingJS: plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system

taggingJS: plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system

JQuery File Uploader

JQuery File Uploader

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